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Integrative Medicine: What is It?

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Integrative Medicine: What is It?

假设你熟悉草药、精油、瑜伽、冥想等 complementary medicines and health care interventions. In that case, 你可能已经意识到,传统的医疗护理并不总是针对特定的疾病使用全面的治疗和药物.

虽然这些非药物治疗方法在历史上被称为“替代医学”,“这些补充方法在支持治疗广泛的健康问题方面非常有帮助. 虽然这些医学方法和理论并不总是可以从你的普通医生或提供者那里得到, 今天的医疗保健组织比以往任何时候都更致力于将这些实践作为更全面和更有效的医疗服务的一部分 successful approach to patient care.

This approach is known as integrative medicine.

What is Integrative Medicine?

而不是强迫病人在传统医学和辅助疗法之间做出选择, 综合医学将这两种方法结合起来,为患者提供最好的保健服务和护理.

In many cases, 医生将使用综合药物和治疗来支持传统药物,或者在传统药物无法为患者提供选择的情况下提供护理和支持. 

“医生在选择将哪些补充方法纳入他们的护理时,仍然依赖于基于证据的干预措施. But as research backing up these integrative methods grows, 医生在制定治疗计划时有更多的选择,为病人提供最好的护理和支持.” Says Dr. Mark Moon of Signature+ Concierge Care.

尽管任何病人都可以从综合医学中受益,以补充传统医学方法, 患有慢性或复杂健康状况的个人可能特别适合从这种医疗保健和健康的混合方法中受益.


Types of Integrative Medicine

综合医学可以使用几种不同类型的补充药物和疗法与传统药物和治疗相结合. 这些综合方法可包括但不限于以下内容:

Natural supplements and dietary changes. This can include herbal supplements, vitamins, and probiotics. 它也可能包括专门的饮食,比如围绕抗炎食物的饮食.

Mind-body therapies. 这些疗法可以从冥想到瑜伽,并支持心理健康和身心关系, such as how a patient experiences and manages pain.

Bodywork. Acupuncture, massage, 而其他形式的健身可能为各种健康问题提供基于证据的干预措施, from musculoskeletal pain to mental health issues.

Animal-assisted therapy. 在综合护理框架内使用动物可以帮助患者应对疼痛, loneliness, 以及其他由身体疾病引起的心理健康并发症.

Patient Benefits of Integrative Medicine

While individual experiences and benefits may vary, 对综合护理方法感兴趣的患者可以享受以下服务:

Evidence-based support for complex health conditions. 综合医学可以为你提供治疗和干预,提高你的身体舒适度,提高你管理和克服某些健康状况的能力. 医疗保健提供者的监督可以帮助确保将综合方法适当地纳入您现有的护理中.

Greater choice in building a treatment plan. 复杂的健康状况可能会对患者可用的治疗和干预措施造成一定的限制——主要是在存在一种以上健康问题的情况下. 先进的综合医学可以创造更多的机会,在不增加新并发症风险的情况下结合多种干预措施.

Relief for primary symptoms. 许多综合医学治疗旨在解决与几种健康状况相关的症状, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, inflammation, and pain.

What to Consider Before Choosing Integrative Medicine

Conflicting guidance for medical interventions. 虽然你的初级卫生保健提供者可以帮助你处理护理建议中的潜在冲突, 在有限的研究和专家指导下,你可能被迫在常规治疗和补充治疗之间做出选择.

The complexity of your existing treatment plan. Integrative medicine brings in new treatments and potential new providers, depending on the interventions you need. For individuals whose care plan is already complex and overwhelming, 进一步并发症造成的精神健康损失可能抵不上潜在的好处.

The risk of potential complications. 虽然通过卫生保健提供者接受综合护理的个人不常见, 综合治疗总是有带来意想不到的副作用的风险.

● No guarantee of benefits. 即使综合疗法不会带来新的并发症或健康问题, 也有可能,一个更复杂的治疗计划,通过补充技术可能无法提供不同的结果,而不是单独的传统治疗.

How to Find Providers for Integrative Medicine Near Me

随着中西医结合成为传统医疗保健的一种更广泛的子服务, you can find your concierge care doctor here at Flagler Health+ with Dr. Moon at Signature+.

Dr. Moon is board-certified in Internal Medicine, fellowship-trained in Integrative Medicine, 并获得达特茅斯学院卫生保健服务科学硕士学位. Dr. 穆恩曾在梅奥诊所和克利夫兰诊所接受培训,并在梅奥诊所执业了13年, where he ranked among the top 5 physicians in patient satisfaction.

Before moving his practice to Flagler Health+, Dr. 文在寅在咨询诊断医学部门工作,被同行称为“诊断大师”. Following his tenure in Consultative and Diagnostic Medicine, Dr. Moon became the Chair of Executive and International Medicine at Mayo Clinic, where he spent nearly a decade. Dr. Moon understands the value of longer visits with each of his patients. 花更多的时间与病人在一起,提高了诊断的准确性,并使医患关系更加密切, which improves all aspects of care.

从认证项目中选择一个接受过奖学金培训的医生是至关重要的. Dr. Moon completed a two-year fellowship at the University of Arizona, which is widely considered the premier Integrative Medicine program in the U.S.